Heart To Heart

Hurting people, hurt people...

— Heart To Heart

I have often hard people say ask “Why is it the one I love the most is the one I hurt the most?” There could be a number of reasons for that but the most simple explanation is that hurting people, hurt people. As a result those who are closest to us get the brunt of our reaction to pain. Sadly, many of our reactions to pain are learned by others and passed on from one generation to another and so the pain continues. Jesus came to heal pain. “He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted… Lk 4:18. Wonder if we chose to break the cycle today? If we would choose love over hate, sympathy over anger, kindness over cruelty, compassion over contempt and forgiveness over finding fault? Think what a difference it would make in the lives of those we love if we were able to smile more often.

Lord, replace my grimace with a smile,
Inspire me to go the extra mile
To those I love the most, make it clear
They are precious and I hold them dear







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