“The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage:” Lk 20:34
Great marriages are a tribute to God’s ultimate work of grace in transforming lives through the power of love. Wholesome Marriages are testimonies to the relationship between Christ and His people, the Church. Eph. 5:30-32 When marriages fail, the clear witness for the Gospel is reduced and the unified oneness between Christ and His Bride greatly diminishes. HCM offers married couples 15 hours of intensive counseling consisting of 3 hour sessions spread over 5 days with the purpose of identifying and resolving emotional wounds, spiritual issues and strongholds that destroy intimacy and disrupt oneness in their marriage. God designed that marriage be a lasting and fulfilling treasure of companionship where both feel honored and cherished. Our goal is to help discover any issues that may be blocking a couple’s ability from experiencing emotional intimacy and to provide tools equipping them in experiencing the fullness of God’s design for love in their relationship. When the heart is open to “give and receive” love the potential for renewed oneness in the marriage as God intended can be restored. Gen. 2:24 “…they shall be one flesh” KJV
“I would have lost heart, unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living.” Ps 27:13
HCM offers Intensive counseling for individuals struggling with personal problems. Depending on the circumstances, individuals may require less schedule time which will be determined when scheduling an appointment. When a person is struggling with emotional pain such as abandonment, neglect, betrayal or rejection, etc. it is important to identify the root cause and seek to resolve the issues by accepting, understanding and caring for that person and then leading them to Jesus in prayer for healing. If there are spiritual issues such as bitterness, rebellion, pride or moral failure, etc. then it is important to own the problem by repenting and receiving forgiveness through confessing it to the Lord. Many people carry the burden of guilt and shame from behavioral patterns that prevent them from experiencing freedom in Christ. Jesus came to set people free from slavery to sin.
“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” Jn 8:36 KJV
“He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the LORD.” Pro 18:22
One of the most rewarding moments in ministry is to spend time with a couple planning for marriage. Pro. 30:19 States there are four things that are difficult to understand in the earth and one of them is: “…the way of a man with a virgin.” God alone knows and understands the secret that attracts two distinctly different individuals together. However, within the innocence, attraction and closeness that grows in developing relationships there are still two willful hearts that are packing learned ways to protect themselves from hurts they have experienced from their past. Consequently, they tend to carry these learned traits into the marriage relationship. A primary focus in assisting a couple prepare for marriage Is helping them identify and resolve issues buried within their heart that could potentially surface causing a reaction or resulting in a conflict. Our goal is to assist a couple toward “emotionally connecting” with each other and to equip them with practical ways to care for each other’s heart. God designed that a married couple be free to mutually meet each other’s need for love. Love is the catalyst that binds two hearts together and keeps a marriage secure. “Love never fails…” 1 Cor.13:8
If you or someone you know is interested in Premarital counseling or if you have questions and would like to learn more, please contact us for more information.
Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Gen.2:24; Mt.19:5; Eph.5:31
Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled;…” Heb 13:4
Great marriages don’t just happen. They develop through intentional commitment! All marriages need attention, effort, and nurturing. The Heart in Marriage Retreat is designed to provide an opportunity for couples to focus on each other’s heart and to discover creative ways toward making their marriages more fulfilling. The goal is to provide a safe and relaxing atmosphere where couples can learn to “consider one another” to enhance their ability to “love one another” in a way that prompts changes in behavior. At the Heart in Marriage Retreat, couples are challenged to care, connect, and cherish each other. They are offered new insights toward understanding one another and given practical tools helpful in developing deeper relationships in their marriage.
The H.I.M Retreat involves 9 hours of teaching time which could either include a Fri. eve and all day Sat. or could be spread over three weekday evenings.
If you or your Church have an interest to know more about the H.I.M. Retreat or would like to consider hosting a Retreat in your area, please contact us for more information.